
Reading List and Schedule

Page history last edited by Mihaela Vorvoreanu 15 years, 1 month ago


Do all readings and blog your notes before noon on the day of class.


So, if the week 2 topic is Cluetrain Manifesto, make sure you have read the materials on the corresponding row before class.


This schedule lists only major assignments. For regular tasks, please see Dr. V's blog posts on the TECH 621 Ning network.





Session Name


(read before class)

Major Assignment

(due by class time)


Course orientation, crowd-source syllabus




SM principles 1: Cluetrain Manifesto; Online help




Understanding Web 2.0; Blogging & commenting; Begin SM wiki; Delicious

Online readings 



Blogging & the Blogosphere

Naked Conversations [1]



Twitterville [2]

Social Media Bible [3]



SM effects 1: Content Nation chapters 1-3

Content Nation [4]



SM effects 2: Content Nation 3 chapters of choice from 4-10; ch. 11

Content Nation [4]

Final project pre-proposal due (blog post)


[reports of unsatisfactory work due Oct. 2 ]


SM effects 3: Digital Natives/Immigrants

Born Digital [5]

Final project proposal due 


SM principles 2: Organizing 

Pick 1:

Here Comes Everybody [6]

Socialnomics [7]


classmates' summaries of other book




SM principles 3: Crowd-sourcing 

Pick 1:

Wikinomics [8]

Wisdom of Crowds [9]

Crowd Surfing [10]


classmates' summaries of other books



 SM principles 4: Information organization 

Everything is Miscellaneous [11]

Online M. Wesch videos

Final project review of existing research due 


SM effects 4: Attention & Intelligence

Pick 1:

Distracted [12]

The Overflowing Brain [13]

The Attention Economy [14]


Articles on intelligence


classmates' summaries of other books


SM wiki structure


 SM contexts 1: Interaction Design (Adrian & Zheng); SEO (Stephen)




Organize/Finalize SM wiki 


Final project draft 1 due 



~ turkey ~



 SM contexts 3: Privacy & Security (Scott K) Public health (Jenny)

The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It [15]


 SM contexts 4: Gov't 2.0 (Andrew); Enterprise 2.0 (Dr. V); PR/(Scott S)

Social Media at Work [16]

Final project draft 2 due 




Final Project due


All books are available on reserve at the Engineering library. You can use them, but you cannot check them out.

The books in bold typeface are required reading for all students.


Other online readings will be assigned as needed, by the instructor or students.


[1] Scoble, R., & Israel, S. (2006). Naked conversations. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

[2] Israel, S. (2009). Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods.
[3] Safko, L., & Brake, D. (2009). The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

[4] Blossom, J. (2009). Content Nation: Surviving and Thriving as Social Media Changes Our Work, Our Lives, and Our Future Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 

[5] Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2008). Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives Philadelphia: Basic Books.

[6] Shirky, C. (2008). Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations. New York: Penguin Press.

[7] Qualman, E. (2009). Socialnomics: How social media transforms the way we live and do business. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

[8] Tapscott, D., & Williams, A. D. (2008). Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything. New York: Portfolio.

[9] Surowiecki. (2005). The Wisdom of Crowds: Anchor Books

[10] Thomas, M., & Brain, D. (2009). Crowd Surfing: Surviving and Thriving in the Age of Consumer Empowerment. London: A&C Black

[11] Weinberger, D. (2008). Everything is miscellaneous: The power of the new digital disorder. New York: Holt Paperbacks.

[12] Jackson, M., & McKibben, B. (2008). Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

[13] Klingberg, T. (2009). The Overflowing Brain: Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory

[14] Davenport, T. H., & Beck, J. C. (2001). The Attention Economy: Understanding the New Currency of Business. Boston: Harvard Business Press.

[15] Zittrain, J. (2009). The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It: Yale University Press.

[16] Jue, A. L., Marr, J. A., & Kassotakis, M. E. (2009). Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance: Jossey-Bass. (N/A until November 2009)



Comments (3)

Stephen Woodall said

at 1:21 pm on Sep 9, 2009

I will need to make sure that I stop by the Engineering Library to read the readings sooner rather than later...

Scott Kerlin said

at 2:03 pm on Sep 9, 2009

SK was here

Jenny Smock said

at 2:09 pm on Sep 9, 2009


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